
Gerdau manufactures a range of widths and thicknesses of MBQ flats, allowing for a wide scope of applications. The flats are commonly processed for small strip applications such as durable goods, to large sections utilized in structural nonresidential construction applications as baseplate and brackets, as well as tanks, barges and railcars.



Technical Specifications +

Size Range Grades Produ​ced ​​GGMULTI includes Grades
14” ​ASTM A131-A ASTM A529-50
ASTM A131-AH36 AS​​TM A572-50
ASTM A36 ASTM A709-36
ASTM A529-50 ASTM A709-50
ASTM A529-55 AASHTO M270-36
ASTM A572-50 AASHTO M270-50
ASTM A588 CSA 40.20/40.21 44W
ASTM A709-36 CSA 40.20/40.21 50W
ASTM A709-50
AASHTO M270-36
AASHTO M270-50
CSA 40.20/40.21 44W
CSA 40.20/40.21 50W
CSA 40.20/40.21 55W​​

GGMULTI is a multigrade available on stand​ard lengths.​​ Typical lengths are 20, 30, 40 and 60 foot, but custom lengths are available. Standard thicknesses for Angles and Flats are 1/4" - 1". Additional thicknesses may be available upon request. Various Merchant Quality Carbon Steel Grades (ASTM A29 M-Grades) are available.​​​ Charpy Testing is available upon request.​

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